Monday, February 16, 2009

Day 46

Another late post that I have to apologize for. I was cooped up in the music department all day yesterday and we were supposed to be in the studio all day but it turns out there was a mix up with the schedule and we didn't get to record till the band that was in there got out. Funny thing is they invited me in to talk about the whole dilemma. So when they were done, I asked if we could set up and they said yes. And keep in mind when we had planned this we were to understand we couldn't use their equipment. The person that was in charge then proceeded to tell me where everything was in the studio and the pass-code to get into ANY door in the building that had a keypad on it. So pretty much, I had the keys to the kingdom! He even offered to let us use their sound board and computer but I decided that I didn't want to screw anything up so I said no. We got into the studio at about 6 and got out at about 11 just for two drum tracks. It was a bit of a let down for me but I was relieved to be done. We decided to come home that night because we really didn't have anything to do tomorrow so that was really nice for me because I've been sick for a few days now. I hope all of you are well and didn't miss me too much, I'm sure you didn't. Have a nice night!

Day 46