Tuesday, February 3, 2009

34 (these tittles are so uneventful)

5 things I do
1: I write music
2: I breath
3: I try to sing
4: I talk to at the least one Stapp a day
5: I try to take photos

Today was boring. Nothing to really report other than I almost forgot to take the photo of the day and when I saw it was getting to about twilight I remembered. So I shot up out of my chair, grabbed my camera, my skateboard and my ipod and rode as fast as I could to the train tracks so I would have a photo for today. I hope you are happy I'm still doing this for all of you to look at! Thank you for caring!!!!!

Day 34 (hehe, yellow)

1 comment:

~Stappsters~ said...

Wow, I feel like the rope is coming out of the picture. Cool! Sing loudly!