Thursday, April 30, 2009

1st assignment so far

So I finally decided on what to take photos of for my first assignment! BIKES!!!!

Here are the shots I've taken so far today.

I still need to take 21 more and pick out the top four photos

Wednesday, April 29, 2009



I have been meeting with this girl. And due the the fact that my mother reads this now, I will not give any details about her other than that which as already been said to specific individuals.

So for my photography class, we need to take 24 photos of a specific subject such as a specific door or a specific person and out of those 24, pick 4 of the best ones. I'm at a lose at this point as to what to photograph. If you have any ideas I would be glad to take them into account. 

(I often get bored in class and we were testing settings on our cameras that day so I took picture)

(Woot for random windows.)

(trying to find a subject for my photography assignment)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Forks in the roads can conjoin at the end

So I have been doing flips in my mind about what I want to do with art in college,Whether to go for photography or graphic design. For me, both will inevitably came to the same road, artwork for bands. Either way I will be doing art work for bands! So why am I trying to hard to decide? I don't want to get bored while studying for my major. As of know I think its going the be photography but It may change. Please tell me your opinion if you don't mind.

We all decided to art up our living room and This was my contribution. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Love it here

Its very true. So far nothing has really gone wrong. All my classes are essentially easy, I'm getting along great with everyone. I have found a new refuge at night for where to do homework. THE LIBRARY! Its so amazing. I can get all my work done there at night and in the day while everyone is at class I can study anything I need. I really do miss all of you, so much that I took two photos for you today!

Also I recorded a new song. Go check it out

Monday, April 20, 2009

first assignment

thought you might like this. this is my first assignment in writing that I did today.

'Once, as a small child, I would always enjoy to sit outside of my bedroom window that overlooked the pine trees, rose bushes and various furry critters frolicking around with one another. While on the roof my father was working in the garage, crafting a marvelous wooden boat that would have rivaled that of the vikings. It was this boat that would define his life as a craftsman, after working on it for over a quarter of his life it had to have been marvelous. The only downfall of his talent was his obsessive way of NEVER allowing anyone to see his work. Naturally, as a young boy I was curious as to what my oh so magnificent father was working on. After all, one day I would be in his shoes one day inspiring my own son to do great things as my father had inspired me to do. So as my curiosity started to get the best of me, I crept over to where the sun roof in the garage was. As I peered down into the tinted garage, I saw wonderful things, great things and things of which I can not describe in this because I am in a mormon college. There was my father, with my mother, in his oh so marvelous boat...... together. I screamed, ran inside my room through the open window. That night, I learned an important lesson. The stork was dead.'


Saturday, April 18, 2009


So orientation is over! WOO! I have officially been orientated. Mainly boring but very informative. I have met two of my roommates, Matt and  Arturo (he actually just came out to say goodnight and gave me a hug) and they are pretty much awesome and supper easy to get along with, I love the campus, I love how everything is going so far but I do really miss all of you (except Rachel) and I hope all of you are having as great a time as I. 


Improv group who I talked to and they seemed like they liked me.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

In Idaho

So I'm in Idaho. The drive was boring and It snowed half the time. I move into the apartment and I will hopefully have a picture of it along with my roommates, I have any after tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

True sibling love

I said the most awkward thing. So I'm talking to Rachel and we said how we think of each other as siblings. So me, being who I am, says "LETS START A FAMILY!"

By this I ment like assign people whom we are not related to as family members, but Then I realized my mistake.


Friday, April 10, 2009

No more seminary!

I finished all my make up for seminary and the last question I answered told me to bare my testimony of christ and I felt inspired to post what I wrote on my blog.

"I know that Jesus Christ gave his life to save all of us. That he came here to relieve us of our sins if we have faith and repent. I know that while in the garden, he knew me, thought of me and felt every pain that I have ever felt and more than I can comprehend. So much so that he bled from every pore. Through this action he lifted the shutters to awake the sleeping, that through him we can all have eternal live. I know he loves each and everyone of us and has compassion for all of our pains because he has felt and suffered them, and for this I am eternally grateful. And I say these things which I know with all my heart, mind and spirit to be true, in his holy name. Amen"

Love you all!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

No more fine!

I got out of the ticket! I was so nervous. BUT I WON!!!!! 

Take that Woodland Police Department! I will continue to take photos of my friends skating when ever I want! WOOT!

And another photo for you becuase I have been depriving you of them.
(This is Dale. He is twenty-one years old)